Here’s how you can make an immediate impact for kids in our community!
It's in the Bag!
It’s time to fill Santa Sacks! Help the CAC provide Winter essentials to the children we serve! This holiday season, we’re asking for donations of new coats, underwear, winter hats, beanies, gloves, blankets, and socks to help our kids weather the cold with appropriate, well-fitting clothing. We bundle these items into a Santa Sack and provide them to our kids when the cold weather arrives. You, your business, organization, civic group or church can donate individual items or completed sacks directly to the Children’s Advocacy Center, or you can purchase these items via our Amazon Wish List, or you can make a cash donation toward the purchase of these items. We’re hoping to serve 225 kids this year and need your help to make it possible! Get in touch with the Family Advocacy Team to arrange a donation, give us a call at (512) 321-6161, or click the button to donate!
Volunteer for Family Care
Family Care Volunteers welcome clients and their non-offending family members to the Center and provide supervision for clients in a fun, child-friendly playroom setting. They appropriately interact with children while their parents attend therapy sessions or groups.
Donate items to the CAC
The Children’s Advocacy Center gladly accepts new and gently-used clothing items for the entire family, with an emphasis on contemporary fashion for children aged 9-18. We also accept new and gently-used toys, stuffed animals, blankets, handmade quilts, baby items, books and household essentials.
Help stock the pantry
The CAC is always in need the following items for our emergency food pantry: shelf-stable and ready-to-make meals, packaged side dishes, kid-friendly snacks, variety packs of chips and cereals, breakfast foods, drinks and juice boxes. We're also seeking toddler and baby food items, plus family toiletries, household cleaning supplies and laundry items.
Host a fundraiser
When the community comes out in support of the CAC, big things happen! You or your organization can host a fundraiser to support the work of the CAC and to help fund our future. You’ll raise awareness in your circles about child abuse prevention, and provide a fun, feel-good event in our community. We can provide marketing assistance and a presentation about the CAC for your event.
Become an Intern
Undergraduate/Graduate Level in Related Field of Study
The Children’s Advocacy Center serving Bastrop, Lee, and Fayette counties works to provide the best opportunities for our interns. Our internship program caters to various undergraduate degrees such as criminal justice, psychology, social work, child/family development, sociology, and applied sociology and Masters degrees in social work and professional counseling.Family Advocate
Family Advocate intern’s tasks entails a variety of learning opportunities such as working with caretakers and families during crisis during forensic interviews, case management, providing and helping families locate resources, groups (therapeutic, parenting, coping skills and more), and working closely with our multidisciplinary teams such as law enforcement and child protective services for better wrap around services.
Clinical Practicum
The clinical social work/counseling intern provides individual and family therapy services. -
Volunteer for our Events
A lot goes into our fundraising events and we could use a hand from our friends and supporters! Your company, group or civic organization can lend your support to the Children’s Advocacy Center by volunteering for one of our annual events. From wrapping presents for our Holly Jolly Program, to helping set up, host or tear down our glittering Designer Purse Bingo Events, your help is valued and appreciated! Connect with our Special Events team below for event volunteer opportunities!